Nine lessons for long Covid

I learnt a new expression last week—an ‘earworm’. It immediately conjured up images of the chickens pecking at earthworms wriggling in the damp soil. Two or three pecks then whoosh, or rather gloop (not Goop), down the hatch. This is a picture of our rescue hen, now fully feathered and happily pecking at earthworms—and my plants!Continue reading “Nine lessons for long Covid”

What causes peripheral neuropathy and how can it be treated?

What causes peripheral neuropathy and how can it be treated?

Last week I explored how, by examining the symptoms described by patients, a number of cases of long-Covid could be due to a peripheral neuropathy. There are multiple causes of peripheral neuropathy, therefore a handy mnemonic (with a silent m) always helped me to remember: V-I-T-A-M-I-N-C: